María Montesino

sociología rural, formación y mediación cultural

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Anthropology and degrowth. Deepening the dialogue.

Título: Anthropology and degrowth. Deepening the dialogue.

Lugar: London School of Economics (Londres)

Fecha: 5 y 6 de junio 2023

5 junio 2023 6 junio 2023

Día 5 de junio. Programa cerrado a investigadores.

Día 6 de junio. Programa abierto al público.

14:45-16:15 “Critical perspectives on Anthropology and Degrowth”

Ieva Snikersproge – «Anthropology and degrowth: deepening the dialogue»

Ritu Verma – “Anthropology and Degrowth, Wellbeing and Decolonial Alternatives: At the Cross-current of Critical Analysis and Activist Engagement”

Pauline von Hellermann – “Towards a Regenerative Anthropology”

16:15-16:45 Coffee and tea break

16:45-18:15 “Reimagining transitions out of the growth paradigm”

María Montesino – «Inhabiting the rural. An ecosocial approach to food production»

Lys Alcayna Stevens – “Environmental Justice & Degrowth in Central Africa”

Cristobal Bonelli – “Reducing emissions and omissions by reactivating common sense: the case of Lithium”

18:30 to 20:30 Reception